Photo Stock

Stock Photos / ClipArt as its often called can often be costly because photographers go out their way to locations to get specific photos that catch the eye. As a musician photography isn't my thing per say.. As in i don't go out my way, i don't have to cover mileage, hotel costs and stuff like that in my sales. I just shoot photos when i feel like it, random things, places, I often tweak them to in my GFX moods (See  here   for graphic design examples) But suffice to say i can offer cheaper deals on artwork and stock photos.

I use "Foap" to handle individual photo sales and licensing and you can access around 60 of my photos Here   OR you can always contact me via the facebook page to buy a specific photo if you want it modifying first rather than the original (IE for use in an album cover you want making, then the photo would be part of the design, so you wouldn't have to buy the image on top of having the cover designed) So we can provide a modified stock image for your cover.. flyer.. or poster..

Use the "Message" button here to contact us over this service.

More INFO Soon

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